Juana López

Juana López

Juana López is a respected financial consultant and writer of articles on personal finance for Creditenlinea.com. A resident of Oaxaca City, Mexico, born in 1960, Juana is 63 years old and is considered one of the most influential voices in the financial market worldwide.

A graduate in Business Administration from the University of Oaxaca, Juana decided to specialize in Financial Control, taking a post-graduate course in this area. With more than three decades of experience in the financial market, she has worked as a consultant for several large companies, acquiring a vast experience and knowledge about personal and corporate finance.

However, she realized that she could use her experience more broadly, helping ordinary people better understand personal finance and manage their resources more effectively. It was then that she decided to dedicate herself to writing articles about personal finance, using simple and direct language, without technical jargon.

Through her articles, Juana helps her readers understand the various aspects of personal finance, such as investments, financial planning and household budgeting, among others. She aims to help people make more informed financial decisions and improve their overall financial situation.

Juana gives free lectures all over the world, with the goal of sharing her knowledge and helping people better understand personal finance. Her lectures are very popular with the general public, and she has been invited to speak at several renowned events, including international financial conferences.

In her lectures Juana uses a practical and accessible approach, with concrete examples and useful tips that can be applied immediately in people's everyday lives. She is known for her ability to explain financial concepts in a clear and easy-to-understand way, which has been highly valued by the participants.

Juana also offers financial consulting services, helping individuals and companies achieve their financial goals. With her vast experience in the financial market, she has helped countless people make more informed financial decisions and improve their overall financial life.

In addition to her successful career in the financial market and as a writer and speaker, Juana has her own personal hobbies, being a great travel enthusiast. She believes that contact with other cultures can help her better understand the differences between people and the way each society deals with financial issues.

Among the cultures that impress her most is Japanese culture, and whenever possible, Juana seeks to explore new destinations and get to know different cultures. She believes that traveling is a form of personal and professional enrichment, an opportunity for constant learning and for broadening her horizons.

Juana López is a prominent figure in the world of personal finance, and her work has helped countless people.